How to Talk to the C-Suite about Privacy Training
with Professor Daniel Solove
Why do we need to invest in privacy training? Isn’t our current training sufficient?
Specialized privacy training for different workforce roles is essential. There are too many different privacy laws for just a single generic training.
Can we develop training in-house?
It would take too long. There are too many laws, and they’re changing constantly.
Why is excellent privacy training key to a strong privacy program?
Privacy training empowers teams to handle data responsibly, minimizing violations.
Does privacy training matter to regulators?
The quality of training is a big factor in how regulators determine which companies to penalize.
How will investing in privacy training pay-off?
Training greatly reduces the risk of regulatory violations. Excellent data protection improves customer trust and loyalty.
How can privacy training help our reputation?
Excellent privacy training is tangible evidence of the strength of a privacy program.
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