HIPAA Training Package

Essentials Plus

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HIPAA Training Essentials Plus Package

This HIPAA training and awareness essentials plus package of courses and resources is designed for organizations seeking a multi-dimensional training and awareness program. The short training courses and resources included are perfect for refresher HIPAA training and periodic awareness initiatives.  This package also includes the HIPAA Whiteboard (a succinct and clear 1-page summary of HIPAA that can be used as a poster or handout), as well as 6 cartoons of your choosing to enliven your HIPAA training program.

If you want to substitute other courses for ones included in this package, this is possible.  Please discuss it with us. 

The HIPAA Training Essentials Plus Package includes the following courses and resources:

HIPAA Privacy

Choose whichever version works best: 20 min or 30 min.

This course provides general HIPAA privacy training for the workforce. There are separate versions for covered entities and business associates.  The course discusses how to identify protected health information (PHI), follow HIPAA’s obligations and requirements, and afford individuals their rights under HIPAA.


HIPAA Privacy

HIPAA Security

Choose whichever version works best: 20 min or 30 min.

This course uses a series of videos to cover the essential topics for protecting the security of protected health information (PHI) and electronic protected health information (ePHI) under HIPAA. It is designed to work for both covered entities and business associates. Topics in this course include encryption, passwords, social engineering, phishing, websites and software, email, physical access, portable devices and remote access, data disposal, and data breach.


HIPAA Security

HIPAA Overview

15 minutes

This course provides a short basic overview of HIPAA through the use of a series of videos. Concepts discussed include protected health information (PHI), use and disclosure of PHI, patient rights, HIPAA security, enforcement, data breaches, and state laws.


HIPAA Overview

Social Media for Healthcare

10 minutes

This concentrated HIPAA training course discusses social media and how you can express yourself online without causing problems for you and your employer. Trainees will examine several scenarios of how people posted something on their personal social media profile and caused damage including job and reputation loss for themselves and their employer.


Social Media for Healthcare

HIPAA Interactive Whiteboard

5 minutes

This program summarizes HIPAA succinctly.  This program is based on our HIPAA whiteboard poster and handout.  It can readily be used on internal websites to raise awareness and teach basic information about HIPAA.  It is also useful as a refresher course or as a resource to remind people of key aspects of HIPAA on an as-needed basis.   This module can be used in a learning management system.


HIPAA Interactive Whiteboard

HIPAA and Health Privacy

6 minutes

This short program covers the types of malware. The first video provides an overview of what malware is and why it is dangerous.  The interactive slide details the five major types of malware and how users can identify them.  The second video discusses how most malware requires human action to infect a computer, how people can avoid malware and what to do (and not to do) if this ever happens.


HIPAA and Health Privacy

Protected Health Information (PHI)

6 minutes

This short course explains how to identify what information is protected health information (PHI) under HIPAA. This HIPAA awareness training course explains all of the many dimensions to the complicated definition of PHI and makes the definition easy to understand and remember.




5 minutes

This short course explains the fundamental obligation of maintaining confidentiality of health information. The course discusses why disclosures even to friends or family are breaches of confidentiality. The course also covers accidental breaches of confidentiality, such as misdirected PHI (mistaken faxes or email addresses) and documents with PHI left on copiers or not locked away when unattended.


Minimum Necessary Rule

5 minutes

This short course explains the minimum necessary rule, which requires the use or disclosure of the minimum necessary protected health information (PHI) to accomplish one’s purpose. The course discusses the fact that the minimum necessary rule applies not just to disclosing PHI but also to accessing and using PHI. Additionally, the course covers the key exceptions to the minimum necessary rule.

Minimum Necessary Rule

HIPAA Whiteboard

HIPAA summarized in just 1 page!

Useful as a handout so that trainees can remember key points.

HIPAA Whiteboard

HIPAA Cartoons

Enliven your awareness campaign with our privacy cartoons.
Choose 6 cartoons from among our many cartoons.



HIPAA Cartoons


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    About TeachPrivacy and Our Training Philosophy

    Daniel Solove Privacy Awareness Training TeachPrivacy was founded by Professor Daniel J. Solove, the leading expert on privacy and data security law. He is deeply involved in the creation of all training programs because he believes that training works best when made by subject-matter experts and by people with extensive teaching experience.

    According to Professor Solove: “Great training isn’t about slickness or tricks. It is about teaching. The goal is to make people understand, care, and remember. Great training is made with genuine passion – to make people love training, it must be made with love. Excellent substance is essential. The material must be explained clearly, understandably, and concretely. The content must be short and to the point – and it must be engaging. Slickness and gimmicks can’t compensate for lackluster substance.”

    TeachPrivacy provides privacy awareness training, information security awareness training, phishing training, HIPAA training, FERPA training, PCI training, as well as training on many other privacy and security topics.

    Professor Solove is a law professor at George Washington University Law School. He has taught privacy law every year since 2000, has published 10 books and more than 50 articles, including the leading textbook on information privacy law and a short guidebook on the subject. His LinkedIn blog has more than 1 million followers. Click here for more information about Professor Solove.

