News, Developments, and Insights

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Privacy Scholarship News

I have a few items of scholarship news to share.

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SSRN Downloads: A Personal Milestone

Daniel Solove SSRN 550K

I’m excited and grateful for this article discussing a milestone I reached by surpassing 500K SSRN downloads. The only other law professor with more than 500K downloads is Cass Sunstein.

Check out the article for more details.

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Privacy in Authoritarian Times

 Privacy in Authoritarian Times

I recently posted a new article draft, Privacy in Authoritarian Times: Surveillance Capitalism and Government Surveillance.

The article proposes a set of prescriptions for protecting privacy to meet the challenges we’re facing today.

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The Great Scrape Wins FPF Award

I’m very pleased to announce that my article, The Great Scrape: The Clash Between Scraping and Privacy with Professor Woodrow Hartzog was selected as a winner of the FPF Privacy Papers for Policymakers Award.

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