News, Developments, and Insights

high-tech technology background with eyes on computer display

European Data Protection Supervisor Interview

In this video, the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) interviewed me as part of its 20 Talks Series to celebrate its 20th anniversary. From the EDPS description of this talk: “20 Talks is a series of insightful discussions with experts and influential personalities across diverse domains, looking into the profound implications of privacy and data […]

Webinar – GDPR Enforcement: A Conversation with Max Schrems Blog

In case you missed my discussion with Max Schrems, you can watch the replay here.  We discussed cross-border data transfer, litigation challenges and strategies, and potential reforms of the GDPR enforcement process.

Does European Privacy Law Need a Fix?

 I recently had a terrific discussion with Prof. Nikolaus Forgó from the University of Vienna. We talked about my two recent paper — on informed consent and on sensitive data.  You can watch the interview on YouTube above. Both articles are available for free download below.  

Webinar: Cross-Border Data Transfers: What’s Next?

Webinar Cross-Border Data Transfers 03

  If you couldn’t make my webinar to discuss cross-border data transfers, you can watch the replay here. Justin Antonipillai of Wirewheel, Josh Harris of BBB National Programs and I discussed the new framework between the US and the EU for cross-border data transfers as well as the CBPRs.  We also discussed steps that companies […]

New Casebook – EU Data Protection and the GDPR

EU Data Protection and the GDPR Casebook

I’m pleased to announce that Paul Schwartz and I have launched a new casebook, EU Data Protection and the GDPR. Developed from the casebook Information Privacy Law, this paperback contains key cases and materials focusing on privacy issues related to the GDPR and data protection in the European Union. Topics covered include the GDPR, Schrems cases, […]

Video – Privacy Conversations – Schrems II Aftermath with Justin Antonipillai and Peter Swire

  In this video, I discuss the aftermath of Schrems II with Justin Antonipillai (Wirewheel) and Peter Swire (Georgia Tech and Alston & Bird). Peter Swire’s new Lawfare piece on how to address the individual redress issue is After Schrems II: A Proposal to Meet the Individual Redress Challenge.

Schrems II: Reflections on the Decision and Next Steps

Schrems II - US Surveillance Law

Professor Paul Schwartz and I recently edited the Schrems II decision for our Information Privacy Law casebook.  Schrems II is short for Facebook Ireland Ltd. v. Maximillian Schrems — the second challenge by Maximillian Schrems to the transfer of data between the EU and US.  In Schrems I, the European Court of Justice (CJEU) invalidated the Safe […]