News, Developments, and Insights

high-tech technology background with eyes on computer display

Digital Dossiers and the Aggregation Effect

Digital Person 03

This year is the 20th anniversary of my first book, The Digital Person: Technology and Privacy In the Information Age (NYU Press 2004) (Amazon) (free digital copy on SSRN). I thought that it would be a great opportunity to engage in a reflection on some of the points I discussed in the book.  Apologies for […]

Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, and Humanity’s Future: An Interview with Evan Selinger

Re engineering Humanity

Recently published by Cambridge University Press, Re-Engineering Humanity explores how artificial intelligence, automated decisionmaking, the increasing use of Big Data are shaping the future of humanity. This excellent interdisciplinary book is co-authored by Professors Evan Selinger and Brett Frischmann, and it critically examines three interrelated questions. Under what circumstances can using technology make us more like simple machines than actualized human […]

The Hidden Force That Will Drive GDPR Privacy Compliance

GDPR Compliance

  The clock is ticking on getting ready to comply with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). EU regulators will start enforcing it on May 25, 2018. GDPR is less than a year away, and it’s quite a challenge to get ready for. Becoming compliant is not something that can be achieved overnight, or in a […]

Clearing Up the Fog of Cloud Service Agreements

Contracting with cloud service providers has long been a world shrouded in fog. Across various organizations, cloud service agreements (CSAs) are all over the place, and often many people entering into these contracts have no idea what provisions they should have to protect their data.

Big Brother on the Cover: 50+ Covers for George Orwell’s 1984

Privacy Training Blog Big Brother Is Watching You Poster

by Daniel J. Solove One of the most well-known classic privacy books is George Orwell’s 1984, and it has been published in countless editions around the world.  I enjoy collecting things, and I’ve gathered up more than 50 book covers of various editions of the novel.  I find it interesting how various artists and designers […]

Green Eggs and Ham: How Not to Market and Invade Privacy

By Daniel J. Solove Dr. Seuss’s Green Eggs and Ham is a timeless classic that is read to millions of children. At first the simple rhymes and cute drawings are alluring. But parents will soon discover the book’s terrifying equation: The tiresome repetition of the book multiplied by the number of times a child will […]