News, Developments, and Insights

high-tech technology background with eyes on computer display

Video – Privacy Conversations – Schrems II Aftermath with Justin Antonipillai and Peter Swire

  In this video, I discuss the aftermath of Schrems II with Justin Antonipillai (Wirewheel) and Peter Swire (Georgia Tech and Alston & Bird). Peter Swire’s new Lawfare piece on how to address the individual redress issue is After Schrems II: A Proposal to Meet the Individual Redress Challenge.

Schrems II: Reflections on the Decision and Next Steps

Schrems II - US Surveillance Law

Professor Paul Schwartz and I recently edited the Schrems II decision for our Information Privacy Law casebook.  Schrems II is short for Facebook Ireland Ltd. v. Maximillian Schrems â€” the second challenge by Maximillian Schrems to the transfer of data between the EU and US.  In Schrems I, the European Court of Justice (CJEU) invalidated the Safe […]

Video: Schrems II Initial Reactions with Daniel Solove, Justin Antonipillai, Gabriela Zanfir-Fortuna, Jocelyn Aqua, Ralf Sauer, and Bob Litt

  Yesterday, the European Court of Justice issued its decision in Facebook Ireland v. Schrems, a case known as Schrems II.  The court’s opinion sent shock waves throughout the privacy world.  I had a terrific discussion with Justin Antonipillai (Wirewheel), Gabriela Zanfir-Fortuna (Future of Privacy Forum), Ralf Sauer (European Commission), Jocelyn Aqua (PwC) and Bob […]

The Schrems II Decision

Privacy Shield

The European Court of Justice has finally issued its decision in Facebook Ireland Ltd. v. Maximillian Schrems — otherwise known as Schrems II. The full text of the Schrems II opinion is here. The result: The US-EU Privacy Shield Framework is invalid.  The Standard Contractual Clauses are valid.  Ultimately, this means that it is still […]

Video- Challenges of Privacy Notices, Schrems II, and Other Privacy Issues – A Conversation with Daniel Solove, Justin Antonipillai, and Andy Dale

Video Solove Antonipillai Dale

In this video, Daniel Solove (TeachPrivacy, GW Law), Justin Antonipillai (Wirewheel), and Andy Dale (Alyce) discuss the challenge of writing privacy notices, Schrems II, and other privacy issues.

Video: Schrems II Initial Reactions with Daniel Solove, Justin Antonipillai, Gabriela Zanfir-Fortuna, Ralf Sauer, and Bob Litt

Video - discussion of Scrhems II

The European Court of Justice just issued its decision in Facebook Ireland v. Schrems, and the court’s opinion sent shock waves throughout the privacy world.  I had a terrific discussion with Justin Antonipillai (Wirewheel), Gabriela Zanfir-Fortuna (Future of Privacy Forum), Ralf Sauer (European Commission), and Bob Litt (Morrison & Foerster, former General Counsel for the […]

Top 10 Privacy Law Developments of the Decade 2010-2019

Top 10 Privacy Law Developments of the Decade 2010-2019 02

It is an understatement to say that a lot has happened in privacy law during the past decade. Here is my list of the most notable developments. NOTE: I am giving a particular emphasis to what I find to be notable from a United States perspective.  What is notable privacy law depends upon where one […]

Key EDPB (European Data Protection Board) Documents for GDPR

EU Article 29 Working Party GDPR Guidance

The EDPB (European Data Protection Board) was created by the EU Data Protection Directive in 1996.  Its purpose is to provide advice, opinions, and guidance about data protection.  The EDPB (European Data Protection Board) is composed of a representative from each EU member state. Below are some of the most important guidelines to be issued […]

Key WP29 Documents for GDPR

EU Article 29 Working Party GDPR Guidance

The Article 29 Working Party was created by the EU Data Protection Directive in 1996.  Its purpose is to provide advice, opinions, and guidance about data protection.  The Article 29 Working Party is composed of a representative from each EU member state.  The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will replace the Working Party with the […]