News, Developments, and Insights

high-tech technology background with eyes on computer display

The Great Scrape: The Clash Between Scraping and Privacy

The Great Scrape - The Clash Between Scraping and Privacy

I’m posting a new article draft with Professor Woodrow Hartzog (BU Law), The Great Scrape: The Clash Between Scraping and Privacy. We argue that “scraping” – the automated extraction of large amounts of data from the internet – is in fundamental tension with privacy. Scraping is generally anathema to the core principles of privacy that […]

Webinar – Trust: What CEOs and Boards Must Know About Privacy and AI Blog

In case you missed my recent webinar with Dominique Shelton-Leipzig (Mayer Brown), you can watch the replay here.  We had a great discussion about why privacy is an issue that the C-Suite and Board must address. Dominique is the author of a new book on this topic, Trust.: Responsible AI, Innovation, Privacy and Data Leadership.

Webinar The Quantified Worker AI and Employment Blog

If you couldn’t make it to my recent webinar to discuss Ifeoma Ajunwa’s book, The Quantified Worker: Law and Technology in the Modern Workplace, you can watch the replay here. I had a great discussion with Ifeoma Ajunwa, Pauline Kim, and Matthew Bodie on the use of AI in hiring decisions and for other employment […]

Cartoon: AI Experimentation and Regulation

Cartoon AI Experimentation Law Innovation - TeachPrivacy Training 02

Here’s a new cartoon on artificial intelligence, experimentation, and regulation. Creators of new technology often extol the virtues of experimentation. When it comes to policymakers experimenting with legal regulation, I often hear a different tune from those creating new technology. But they are experimenting with our lives and well-being, with society and democracy. Law, too, […]