News, Developments, and Insights

high-tech technology background with eyes on computer display

The Great Scrape: The Clash Between Scraping and Privacy

The Great Scrape - The Clash Between Scraping and Privacy

I’m posting a new article draft with Professor Woodrow Hartzog (BU Law), The Great Scrape: The Clash Between Scraping and Privacy. We argue that “scraping” – the automated extraction of large amounts of data from the internet – is in fundamental tension with privacy. Scraping is generally anathema to the core principles of privacy that […]

Kafka in the Age of AI and the Futility of Privacy as Control

Kafka in the Age of AI - an essay by Professors Daniel Solove and Woodrow Hartzog

I’m posting the final published version of my essay with Professor Woodrow Hartzog (BU Law), Kafka in the Age of AI and the Futility of Privacy as Control, 104 B.U. L. Rev. 1021 (2024). It’s a short engaging read – just 20 pages!  We argue that although Kafka shows us the plight of the disempowered […]

Artificial Intelligence and Privacy

AI and Privacy 01

I’m delighted to post my new article draft, Artificial Intelligence and Privacy. The article aims to provide the conceptual and practical ground work for how to understand the relationship between AI and privacy as well as provide a roadmap for how privacy law should regulate AI. Here’s the abstract: This Article aims to establish a foundational understanding […]

Kafka in the Age of AI and the Futility of Privacy as Control

Kafka in the Age of AI - an essay by Professors Daniel Solove and Woodrow Hartzog

I’m very pleased to post a draft of my forthcoming essay with Professor Woodrow Hartzog (BU Law), Kafka in the Age of AI and the Futility of Privacy as Control, 104 B.U. L. Rev. (forthcoming 2024). It’s a short engaging read – just 20 pages!  We argue that although Kafka shows us the plight of […]

Webinar – Facial Recognition and the Dubious Side of AI Blog

In case you missed my interview with New York Times reporter Kashmir Hill, you can watch the replay here.  We discussed her new book, Your Face Belongs to US: A Secretive Startup’s Quest to End Privacy as We Know It (Sept. 19, 2023).