News, Developments, and Insights

Kafka in the Age of AI and the Futility of Privacy as Control

I’m very pleased to post a draft of my forthcoming essay with Professor Woodrow Hartzog (BU Law), Kafka in the Age of AI and the Futility of Privacy as Control, 104 B.U. L. Rev. (forthcoming 2024). It’s a short engaging read – just 20 pages!  We argue that although Kafka shows us the plight of […]

2023 Highlights: Scholarship

Here’s a roundup of my scholarship for 2023. With Professor Paul Schwartz, I published a new edition of my casebook, Information Privacy Law as well as new editions of the topical paperbacks (will be in print by the end of December).  One article came out in print, and I have several paper drafts in various stages of […]

Webinar – Privacy Law in the 21st Century: Past, Present, Future Blog

In case you missed my webinar on Privacy Law in the 21st Century, you can watch the replay here.  I had a great discussion with Salomé  Viljoen (Michigan Law), Ari Waldman (U.C. Irvine Law), and Margot Kaminski (Colorado Law) about how privacy law has been evolving.

AI, Algorithms, and Awful Humans – Revised Version

Hideyuki (“Yuki”) Matsumi (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) and I have significantly revised our essay, AI, Algorithms, and Awful Humans, forthcoming 92 Fordham Law Review (2024). It will be part of a Fordham Law Review symposium, The New AI: The Legal and Ethical Implications of ChatGPT and Other Emerging Technologies. In response to great feedback, we have made […]