News, Developments, and Insights

Data Security and the Human Factor: Training and Its Challenges

Posted by Daniel J. Solove According to a stat in SC Magazine, 90% of malware requires a human interaction to infect.  One of the biggest data security threats isn’t technical – it’s the human factor.  People click when they shouldn’t click, put data on portable devices when they shouldn’t, email sensitive information, and engage in […]

An Interview with Bruce Schneier about Liars and Outliers

Bruce Schneier has recently published a new book, Liars and Outliers: Enabling the Trust that Society Needs to Thrive (Wiley 2012). Bruce is a renowned security expert, having written several great and influential books including Secrets and Lies and Beyond Fear. Liars and Outliers is a fantastic book, and a very ambitious one — an […]

Privacy Torts in Canada and the International Convergence of Privacy Law

In a recent case, the Court of Appeal for Ontario, Canada recognized the privacy torts that are widely-recognized in the United States.  Many foreign common law jurisdictions, including the United Kingdom and other countries, have steadfastly refused to recognize the privacy torts spawned by the 1890 law review article by Samuel Warren and Louis Brandeis, […]