News, Developments, and Insights

high-tech technology background with eyes on computer display

Cartoon: AI Experimentation and Regulation

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Here’s a new cartoon on artificial intelligence, experimentation, and regulation. Creators of new technology often extol the virtues of experimentation. When it comes to policymakers experimenting with legal regulation, I often hear a different tune from those creating new technology. But they are experimenting with our lives and well-being, with society and democracy. Law, too, […]

The Prediction Society: Algorithms and the Problems of Forecasting the Future

The Prediction Society - Algorithms and the Problems of Forecasting the Future 02

I am excited to share my new paper draft with Hideyuki (“Yuki”) Matsumi, The Prediction Society: Algorithms and the Problems of Forecasting the Future.  The paper is available for free on SSRN. Yuki is currently pursuing a PhD at Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Yuki began his career as a technologist, then turned to law, where he […]