A rather remarkable case is beginning in Wichita, Kansas. From the Wichita Eagle:
Category: Archive Solove Blog Posts
Older Posts by Professor Daniel J. Solove for his blog at TeachPrivacy, a privacy awareness and security training company.
Identity Theft: Increasingly an Affliction of the Young
New statistics from the FTC on identity theft illustrate some interesting trends. From the AP:
The ChoicePoint Settlement
Recently, the FTC announced a settlement in its complaint against the data broker ChoicePoint for a data security breach that resulted in over 160,000 people’s personal information being sold to identity thieves. According to the Washington Post:
Gonzales’s Tortured Logic on NSA Surveillance
Attorney General Gozales brought out some new arguments in defense of the warrantless NSA surveillance program. He should have kept these arguments in the bag, as they are flatly wrong. For example, according to the AP:
Three Cheers for Law Reviews
Law reviews get little respect both within and outside the legal academy. For those unfamiliar with the system, legal academics publish their articles in law reviews, which are edited and run by law students. Law students select the articles, not professors. In contrast, journals in most other fields are peer reviewed and edited.
Do No Evil and Perhaps Do Some Good: Google, Privacy, and Business Records
I just blogged about the case where the government is seeking search query records from Google. I am very pleased that Google is opposing the government’s subpoena. According to the AP article:
Government vs. Google
According to the AP: Google Inc. is rebuffing the Bush administration’s demand for a peek at what millions of people have been looking up on the Internet’s leading search engine — a request that underscores the potential for online databases to become tools for government surveillance. Mountain View-based Google has refused to comply with a White […]
Website Hacking Blackmail
A while back, I wrote about the Million Dollar Homepage, where Alex Tew, a student, created the idea of selling a million pixels on a website to advertisers for $1 each. His plan was successful, and he recently reached his goal of raising a million dollars in just a few months. But the story attracted some unsavory criminals […]
NSA Surveillance Whistleblower Russell Tice Speaks
In an interesting interview at Reason Online, NSA surveillance whistleblower Russell Tice explains what prompted him to speak out about the program:
Making Sense of Public Attitudes Toward NSA Surveillance
MSNBC journalist Bob Sullivan, in his blog Red Tape Chronicles, writes: Ask Americans something like, “Should the government be allowed to read e-mails and listen to phone calls to fight terrorism?” and you’ll get a much different result than if you ask, “Should the government be allowed to read your e-mails and listen to your phone […]