News, Developments, and Insights

high-tech technology background with eyes on computer display

Do Young People Care About Privacy?

Photo Selfie - Do Young People Care About Privacy?

One of the most frequent questions I get asked when talking about my book, The Future of Reputation: Gossip, Rumor, and Privacy on the Internet is what to do about the troublesome younger generation which “doesn’t seem to care about privacy.”  “Those foolish kids,” some people say, “they have no concept of privacy.  They just […]

People Want Strong Punishments for Privacy Violations

Financial Penalties for Privacy Violations

People believe that privacy violations should be punished — and quite stringently.  There are interesting survey results in a new report by Chris Hoofnagle, Jennifer King, Su Li, and Joseph Turow, How Different are Young Adults from Older Adults When it Comes to Information Privacy Attitudes and Policies? The report focuses primarily on comparing the […]

City of Ontario v. Quon: The Rights of Other Parties to the Communication

City of Ontario v Quon

I blogged about City of Ontario v. Quon a few days ago, and I want to raise another important issue in the case, one my colleague Orin Kerr has astutely pointed out.  The case is on appeal to the U.S. Supreme from the 9th Circuit: Quon v. Arch Wireless Operating Co., Inc., 529 F.3d 892 […]

Unmasking a Judge’s Anonymity: Saffold v. Plain Dealer Publishing Co.


In a very interesting case, Saffold v. Plain Dealer Publishing Co., a state court judge (Shirley Strickland Saffold) is suing the Cleveland Plan Dealer for stating that comments posted on the newspaper’s website under the screen name “lawmiss” originated from a computer used by the judge and/or her daughter.  Some of these comments related to […]