News, Developments, and Insights

high-tech technology background with eyes on computer display

How Private is Our Email? Councilman’s unfinished business

Privacy of Email - Councilman

In United States v. Councilman, a 1st Circuit panel held that email intercepted contemporaneously with its transmission did not fall under the protections of the Wiretap Act.  The case went en banc and an opinion has yet to issue.  Orin Kerr at the VC just wrote a post about recent developments about the issue.   He writes:

Congress has introduced a number of statutory amendments to try to settle the matter. The best was introduced on April 28: Senator Leahy introduced S. 936, the E-Mail Privacy Act of 2005, which is a very short and sweet solution. The Leahy bill adds just a few words to the definition of “intercept” under the Wiretap Act to make its already implicit temporal scope textually explicit. It’s an elegant and correct amendment.

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Information Privacy and the States

Privacy Law and the States

There’s been a ton of media exposure about security breaches at major companies.   Most recently, Time Warner admitted it lost data on 600,000 current and former employees.  Bank of America Lost data on over 1 million people.  ChoicePoint sold personal information on about 145,000 people to identity thieves.  And Lexis Nexis had data on about 310,000 people improperly accessed.  USA Today adds it all up and concludes:

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