News, Developments, and Insights

high-tech technology background with eyes on computer display

Book Review: Harold Schechter’s The Devil’s Gentleman

The Devil's Gentleman

Harold Schechter, The Devil’s Gentleman: Privilege, Poison, and the Trial that Ushered in the Twentieth Century – Ballantine Books (October 2007)

Harold Schechter, an American literature professor at CUNY, has written a gripping account of the criminal trial and appeal of Roland Molineux, a case that grabbed headlines throughout the late 1890s. His book, The Devil’s Gentleman: Privilege, Poison, and the Trial that Ushered in the Twentieth Century (2007) is a page-turner, and it reads almost like a novel.

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Online Chat at the Washington Post

Washington Post

I’ve been invited by the Washington Post to host an online chat on the Washington Post website about privacy, free speech, and anonymity on the Internet. The chat will take place from 11 AM to noon EST today.

The discussion will cover the Megan Meier case, which I blogged about several times (see here and here for example), as well as broader issues related to my book, The Future of Reputation: Gossip, Rumor, and Privacy on the Internet. You can participate in the chat, or read along, here.

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Book Review: Lawrence Friedman’s Guarding Life’s Dark Secrets

Guarding Life's Dark Secrets

Professor Lawrence M. Friedman (Stanford Law School)
Guarding Life’s Dark Secrets: Legal and Social Controls over Reputation, Propriety, and Privacy
(Stanford University Press, November 2007)
ISBN: 978-0-8047-5739-3

Professor Lawrence Friedman‘s Guarding Life’s Dark Secrets: Legal and Social Controls over Reputation, Propriety, and Privacy is a wonderful and accessible history of the norms and law that shaped reputation over the past two centuries. Friedman’s book builds on some of his earlier work on norms and law in the Victorian era which I found immensely useful as I wrote my book, The Future of Reputation. Whereas my book mostly explores the present and future challenges to protecting reputation, Friedman’s explores the past. His book is written in a lively and engaging style, and it is fascinating.

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Who Is Googling Whom, and For What?

Google 02

PEW Internet & American Life Project has released a new report on online privacy called Digital Footprints by Mary Madde, Susannah Fox, Aaron Smith, and Jessica Vitak. The report provides some very interesting statistics.

1. People are starting to google themselves. According to the survey:Continue Reading

Responses to Blog Reviews of The Future of Reputation: Part III

Future of Reputation

In this post, I’ll be responding to a few more reviews of The Future of Reputation: Gossip, Rumor, and Privacy on the Internet. This is the third installment (for more responses to reviews, see Part I and Part II).

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Statutory Interpretation and Legislative Unresponsiveness

Statute Books

I see it happening over and over again. A legislature passes a statute. A new situation arises, one that doesn’t seem to have been anticipated by the legislature at the time of passing the statute. Judges must interpret the statute, and they often make one of two arguments: (1) had the legislature anticipated the case at bar, it would have clearly addressed it by encompassing or excluding it under the statute; the court should interpret the statute with its best guess about how the legislature might have addressed the new situation had it been aware of it when it created the law; or (2) the statute must be strictly construed; if the legislature really doesn’t like how the strict application of the statute’s language applies to a particular situation, then it can change the law.

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Do Police Officers Have a Privacy Right Not to Be Recorded?

Video Recording Police

Over at the VC, Eugene Volokh has an excellent post criticizing convictions of individuals under state wiretapping laws for secretly recording their encounters with the police. He quotes Commonwealth v. Hyde, 750 N.E.2d 963 (Mass. 2001), which states:

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Facebook’s Beacon, Blockbuster, and the Video Privacy Protection Act

Facebook Beacon

The news has been buzzing lately about Facebook’s Beacon, where participating websites share personal information with Facebook. Beacon originally had a poor notice and opt-out policy, but after significant public criticism, Facebook changed to an opt-in policy. Even under the new opt-in policy, however, the participating companies are still turning data over to Facebook, and that spells potential trouble for at least one of the 40 companies in the Beacon program — Blockbuster Video.

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Juicy Campus: The Latest Breed of Gossip Website

Juicy Campus

There’s a new breed of gossip website, coming to a campus near you. The site is called Juicy Campus, and it involves students posting gossip about each other at particular college campuses.

As Jessica Bennett writes at Newsweek:

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