News, Developments, and Insights

high-tech technology background with eyes on computer display

Cybersecurity in the Boardroom

by Daniel J. Solove A few days ago, I posted about how boards of directors must grapple with privacy and cybersecurity.   Today, I came across a survey by NYSE Governance Services and Vericode of 200 directors in various industries. According to the survey, about two-thirds of directors are less than confident about their company’s cybersecurity.  […]

Boards of Directors Must Grapple with Privacy and Cybersecurity

By Daniel J. Solove Privacy and cybersecurity have become issues that should be addressed at the board level. No longer minor risks, privacy and cybersecurity have become existential issues. The costs and reputational harm of privacy and security incidents can be devastating. Yet not enough boards are adequately engaged with these issues. According to a […]

Health Data Security in Crisis, Phase 2 Audits, and Other HIPAA Privacy + Security Updates

By Daniel J. Solove Co-authored with Professor Paul Schwartz This post is part of a post series where we round up some of the interesting news and resources we’re finding. We have split the health/HIPAA material from our updates on other topics. To see our updates for other topics, click here. For a PDF version […]