News, Developments, and Insights

high-tech technology background with eyes on computer display

Webinar The Quantified Worker AI and Employment Blog

If you couldn’t make it to my recent webinar to discuss Ifeoma Ajunwa’s book, The Quantified Worker: Law and Technology in the Modern Workplace, you can watch the replay here. I had a great discussion with Ifeoma Ajunwa, Pauline Kim, and Matthew Bodie on the use of AI in hiring decisions and for other employment […]

Cartoon: AI Experimentation and Regulation

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Here’s a new cartoon on artificial intelligence, experimentation, and regulation. Creators of new technology often extol the virtues of experimentation. When it comes to policymakers experimenting with legal regulation, I often hear a different tune from those creating new technology. But they are experimenting with our lives and well-being, with society and democracy. Law, too, […]

The Prediction Society: Algorithms and the Problems of Forecasting the Future

The Prediction Society - Algorithms and the Problems of Forecasting the Future 02

I am excited to share my new paper draft with Hideyuki (“Yuki”) Matsumi, The Prediction Society: Algorithms and the Problems of Forecasting the Future.  The paper is available for free on SSRN. Yuki is currently pursuing a PhD at Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Yuki began his career as a technologist, then turned to law, where he […]

LinkedIn Live Chat on AI and Privacy Harms

I chatted on LinkedIn Live about AI and Privacy Harms with Luiza Jarovsky about my article, Privacy Harms with Danielle Citron.  Luiza has a great newsletter called The Privacy Whisperer – definitely worth subscribing to. You can read my Privacy Harms article here. Here is the video of our chat. 

Event at Ohio State University – Protecting Privacy in the Age of AI

On Thursday, April 20, 2023, I will be speaking in an event at Ohio State University to discuss Protecting Privacy in the Age of AI: The Need for a Radical New Direction, with Margot Kaminski as commentator. I will be discussing the need for a radical new direction to protect privacy in today’s age of Big […]

AI and the Equality Machine: An Interview with Orly Lobel

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We often hear of the dark side of artificial intelligence (AI), how it will plunge us into a dystopian world of lost privacy and bad automated decisions, culminating in the robots killing us all. Professor Orly Lobel’s The Equality Machine: Harnessing Digital Technology for a Brighter, More Inclusive Future (Public Affairs, October 2022) offers a very […]

Video: AI and Privacy Implications with Igor Jablokov, Justin Antonipillai, and Daniel Solove

I had an excellent conversation about the privacy implications of AI and machine learning with Igor Jablokov, CEO, Pryon, and one of the masterminds behind Amazon’s Alexa and Justin Antonipillai, CEO and Founder, WireWheel.  Check out the video of our conversation here: