News, Developments, and Insights

high-tech technology background with eyes on computer display

New Edition of Information Privacy Law Casebook – 20th Anniversary!

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I am delighted to announce that the new 8th edition of my casebook, INFORMATION PRIVACY LAW, with Professor Paul Schwartz is out in print!  This is a very special edition, as this year marks the 20th anniversary of the casebook. More information about the book is at the Information Privacy Law casebook website.  You can […]

A New Open Letter to Law School Deans about Privacy Law Scholars and Curriculum

Privacy - Letter to Law School Deans

Before the pandemic, which seems like eons ago, I spearheaded a group of legal academics and practitioners in the field of privacy law who sent a letter to the deans of all U.S. law schools about privacy law education.  The pandemic occurred not too long after our letter, and deans had many other things to […]

Privacy and Data Protection in Academia Guide

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The inaugural issue of Privacy and Data Protection in Academia, A Global Guide to Curricula has just been released. This guide has information regarding privacy and data protection programs and courses offered at graduate schools, including law, computer science and business schools around the world. This information was based on a survey. Some law schools […]

Establishing a Robust Law School Educational Program for Privacy Law

Privacy Law Educational Progaram

Recently, the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) released a ranking of law schools based on their educational programs in privacy law.  Although I applaud the effort to focus more attention on the issue of teaching privacy law in law schools, there are many aspects of the project that I would do differently.  In this […]