News, Developments, and Insights

high-tech technology background with eyes on computer display

Are Many Privacy Violations Also Data Breaches?

Privacy and Security

Data breaches and privacy violations have long been thought of as different things, but actually, there is a lot of overlap. Two recent FTC cases address this issue. These cases involve the Health Breach Notification Rule, 16 CFR Part 318, which covers health data breaches beyond HIPAA. The Rule had long existed, but the FTC […]

Unifying Privacy and Data Security

Unifying Privacy and Security

Professor Woodrow Hartzog and I have posted on SSRN another free chapter from our recent book. The chapter is entitled Unifying Privacy and Data Security. The chapter is about the relationship between privacy and data security, and it can be read as a stand-alone essay. With our publisher’s gracious permission, we’re making this chapter available […]


Breached - Solove and Hartzog 05

I’m delighted to announce that my new book, Breached!, with Professor Woodrow Hartzog is now out in print: BREACHED! WHY DATA SECURITY LAW FAILS AND HOW TO IMPROVE IT (Oxford University Press, March 1, 2022) Website for Breached!  Breached! Amazon Page Excerpt from the book jacket description: Drawing insights from many fascinating stories about data breaches, Solove […]

TROPT Event: Foundational Privacy Conceptions

I’ll be speaking about foundational privacy conceptions in a fireside chat with Prof. Woodrow Harzog and moderated by Lourdes Turrecha at The Rise of Privacy Tech (TROPT) Data Privacy Day event (2 PM ET on Jan 26, 2022). TROPT is the main event focusing on the privacy tech landscape, where innovators, investors, engineers, and experts […]

Automating Privacy Incident and Breach Response: An Interview with Andy Lunsford

Privacy law compliance and data breach response involve tasks of great complexity and scale that can quickly overwhelm an organization’s privacy team. Technologies have emerged to automate these tasks, but there are many decisions to make about which tasks to automate and which solutions to use. I recently had a chance to chat with Andy Lunsford is […]

VIDEO: Conversation with Guernsey’s Data Protection Commissioner Emma Martins

  Recently, I spoke with Emma Martins, Data Protection Commissioner at Guernsey’s Office of the Data Protection Authority as part of their Project Bijou. We spoke about a number of topics, including the effect of the GDPR and my new children’s book about privacy, The Eyemonger.  You can watch the video of our conversation here.  

Podcast Interview with Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario on Privacy and Children

On this podcast, Info Matters, I chat with Patricia Kosseim, Information and Privacy Commissioner (IPC) of Ontario, Canada about kids and privacy and my children’s book on privacy, THE EYEMONGER. Episode Summary: Parents, kids, teachers, this one’s for you! Explaining privacy in a way that kids can understand — concepts and tools you can use […]