News, Developments, and Insights

high-tech technology background with eyes on computer display

The Myth of the Privacy Paradox: Final Published Version

Article Privacy Paradox Solove 06

I’m happy to announce that my article is now out in print! The Myth of the Privacy Paradox 89 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 1 (2021) You can download a copy for free at SSRN. Abstract: In this Article, Professor Daniel Solove deconstructs and critiques the privacy paradox and the arguments made about it. The “privacy […]

Cartoon: The Privacy Paradox

Cartoon Privacy Paradox - TeachPrivacy Privacy Training 02 small

This cartoon is about the “privacy paradox” — the phenomenon where people say that they value privacy highly, yet in their behavior relinquish their personal data for very little in exchange or fail to use measures to protect their privacy. I recently wrote an article about the privacy paradox: The Myth of the Privacy Paradox, […]