News, Developments, and Insights

Privacy and Data Protection in Academia Guide

The inaugural issue of Privacy and Data Protection in Academia, A Global Guide to Curricula has just been released. This guide has information regarding privacy and data protection programs and courses offered at graduate schools, including law, computer science and business schools around the world. This information was based on a survey. Some law schools […]

VIDEO: Conversation with Guernsey’s Data Protection Commissioner Emma Martins

  Recently, I spoke with Emma Martins, Data Protection Commissioner at Guernsey’s Office of the Data Protection Authority as part of their Project Bijou. We spoke about a number of topics, including the effect of the GDPR and my new children’s book about privacy, The Eyemonger.  You can watch the video of our conversation here.  

Developments in Data Incident Response: An Interview with Mahmood Sher-Jan

I had the great opportunity to interview Mahmood Sher-Jan about new developments in data incident response. Mahmood Sher-Jan, CHPC, is the Founder and CEO of RadarFirst, a company dedicated to applying innovation and software technology to address the growing data privacy and security challenges faced by organizations that maintain regulated personal data. He holds patents in incident management, fraud prevention, […]

Speaking at Privacy Week Event of the Philippines National Privacy Commission

On May 28, 2021, at 9:30 AM Philippine time (Thursday, May 27 at 8:30 PM Eastern), I will be speaking about “The Myth of the Privacy Paradox” at the Philippines Privacy Week event put on by the Philippines National Privacy Commission (NPC). My talk will be moderated by Jon Bello, a partner at Medialdea Bello and Suarez […]

Video: Dark Patterns – A Conversation with Elkina, Ross, and Solove

Please check out the conversation I had with Alexandra Ross and Elena Elkina about dark patterns. A “dark pattern” is a term coined in 2010 by  Harry Brignull, who defined it as “a user interface that has been carefully crafted to trick users into doing things, such as buying insurance with their purchase or signing up […]