The media has been reporting on the tragic suicide of Tyler Clementi, a student at Rutgers University. From CNN:
The Clementi Suicide and Invasion of Privacy

Posts about Social Media by Professor Daniel J. Solove for his blog at TeachPrivacy, a privacy awareness and security training company.
The media has been reporting on the tragic suicide of Tyler Clementi, a student at Rutgers University. From CNN:
In The Future of Reputation, I wrote about the Star Wars Kid, the teenager who made a video of himself pretending to fight with a lightsaber. The video was uploaded to the Web without his consent, and he was ridiculed around the world, his video being downloaded tens of millions of times. For years, nobody […]
I blogged earlier about the recent privacy kerfuffle with Facebook’s potentially permanent control over user data. In that post, I critiqued the “trust us” response that Facebook and so many companies make when responding to issues involving the use of people’s data.
The other day, I blogged about Facebook’s change in its Terms of Service, indicating it would keep user data potentially forever. In response to a public backlash, Facebook is restoring its old Terms of Service and will work to revise its Terms of Service to better define user rights. From CNN:
Recently, Facebook changed its Terms of Service (TOS). According to the New York Times:
In Italy, a rather disturbing prosecution is taking place. Google officials, including Chief Privacy Counsel Peter Fleischer, are being criminally prosecuted for a video somebody else uploaded to YouTube. According to an article by Tracey Bentley in the International Association of Privacy Professionals’ The Privacy Advisor:
A verdict has been reached in the Lori Drew case. Kim Zetter reports:
Over at Wired’s Threat Level blog, Kim Zetter’s excellent coverage of the Lori Drew trial continues. In this post, she discusses the testimony of Lori Drew’s daughter Sarah:
According to Kim Zetter’s account of the Lori Drew trial, Judge Wu has postponed ruling on any of the legal issues until after the jury’s verdict:
Over at Wired’s Threat Level Blog, Kim Zetter is providing great coverage of the Lori Drew case. Here’s her post about Tina Meier’s testimony (the mother of Megan Meier).