News, Developments, and Insights

high-tech technology background with eyes on computer display

Passwords Cartoon – Security Awareness Training

Cartoon Passwords - TeachPrivacy Security Awareness Training 01

Here’s a cartoon I created to illustrate the importance of security awareness training.  I hope you find it amusing.

Attorney Confidentiality, Cybersecurity, and the Cloud

Law firm data security

There is a significant degree of confusion and lack of awareness about attorney confidentiality and cybersecurity obligations.  This issue is especially acute when it comes to using the cloud to store privileged documents.  A common myth is that storing privileged documents in the cloud is a breach of attorney-client confidentiality.  In other instances, many attorneys […]

New Resource Page: How to Make Security Training Effective

Effective Security Training

I recently created a new resource page —  How to Make Security Training Effective.  The page contains my advice for how  to make security training memorable and effective in changing behavior. Training the workforce is an essential way to protect data security, but not all training endeavors are successful.  Poor training is akin to shouting […]

New Resource Page: Security Awareness Training FAQ

Security Awareness Training FAQ 01

What laws require security awareness training?  What topics do the laws require to be covered?  What should be covered?  How frequently should training be given? I recently created a new resource page — Security Awareness Training FAQ — to answer the above questions and more.  I discuss various legal and industry requirements for security awareness […]

The Solution to All Privacy and Data Security Problems Worldwide

Solution to Privacy and Security Problems 02

After years of careful study and extensive analysis, I have arrived at a solution to all the privacy and data security problems worldwide. Although I’ve been advised that I shouldn’t give away such a perfect solution to such a vexing problem for free, my drive to altruism is simply too strong. Without further ado . […]

Ransomware on a Rampage

Ransomware Training 01

Ransomware is on a rampage!  Attacks are happening with ever-increasing frequency, and ransomware is evolving and becoming more powerful. Several major media sites, such as the New York Times, BBC, AOL, and the NFL, were recently infected with malware that directed visitors to sites attempting to install ransomware on their computers. Ransomware has the potential […]

The Funniest Hacker Stock Photos 2.0

Security Training

Back by popular demand, it’s time for another round of the funniest hacker stock photos.  Because I create information security awareness training (and HIPAA security training too), I  frequently find myself in need of a good hacker photo. But good hacker photos are hard to find.  I often browse through countless images, each one more […]

Spot the Privacy and Security Risks Training Game

Spot the Risks Privacy and Information Security Awareness Training

I’m pleased to announce a new training program:  Spot the Risks: Privacy and Security. The program is a Where’s Waldo style risk-spotting game that takes about 5 minutes to complete.  Trainees are asked to spot the risks in an office.  Feedback is provided about each risk so trainees learn many of the most important best […]